Different types of lessons

Чем мы можем помочь?

To start an available Course, open it and click on the Start training button.

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To proceed from one lesson of the Course to another, click Read and then Next.

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If you are watching a video lesson, the Next button will only become clickable after you’ve finished watching the video

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The Course may contain practical lessons. They can be divided in several types:

  • Tasks with a detailed answer that are checked manually by a coach;

Below, we will explain how to work with each of these controlling exercises.

A Task is a type of controlling exercise that requires a detailed answer to an open question. You can also attach a file that complements your response to the Task. After completing your answer and attaching a file (if necessary), click on the Submit button.

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Your answer will be received by the Coach. He can accept it immediately or return it for clarification. In the second case, you will receive a notification

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Returning to the Course Task, you can complete your answer and send it back to the Coach for checking

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A Test with single or multiple choice is a type of controlling exercise that assumes selecting a single or multiple correct answer from the suggested options.

If you’ve made a mistake in the Test, the System will ask you to retake it (if the Administrator in the settings has selected the number of attempts exceeding 1)

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A Comparison is a type of controlling exercise for you to compare two separate values.

For example, find a match between an object name and its possible color:

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If your answer is wrong, the System will offer to retake it, if this option is not prohibited by the Administrator.

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A Sequence is a type of controlling exercise asking you to arrange several values in the correct order.

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After completing any course, you will receive an email notification with a link for rating the course and downloading the certificate. Please note that the certificate download option may be disabled on your platform. In this case, you will need to contact the Platform administrator.

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